Thursday, 19 April 2012

MollyQueen Moves To Wordpress

To coincide with the annoucement of Nottingham Collective merging with MollyQueen we are also moving the blog over to Wordpress! Dont worry you'll still be able to access all the same posts and information, and actually its going to be bigger and better than ever :)

See you there!

Nottingham Collective Merges With MollyQueen

After months of planning, secrecy and much excitement we are very pleased to announce that MollyQueen and Nottingham Collective have joined forces, with the aim to create an even bigger and better artists collective.
For those of you who don’t know, Nottingham Collective was an artists collective dedicated to showcasing local creative talent in pop-up shops and events all across Nottingham. The brainchild of local designer maker Katie Stainer, the project’s aim was to be accessible to anyone regardless of experience or creative medium, and was especially dedicated to helping makers take advantage of opportunities they could not participate in as individuals, such as the popular annual Nottingham Christmas Market.
Katie was often a regular exhibitor at MollyQueen events and although operating separate Collectives, Katie and Lauren shared the same passions and ideas for bringing handmade to Nottingham in a big way.
“We were working towards the exact same goals but working towards them separately,” says Katie, “and that’s not what Nottingham Collective was about at all! It seemed silly not to work together, double our manpower and create even more opportunities and events for local artists.”

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Marvellous Sneinton Market - Saturday May 5th

We are very excited to announce that the next Marvellous Market will be as a part of an amazing event taking place on Saturday 5th May in the Sneinton Market place

Expect a Marvellous array of market stalls, scrummy food, face-painting, community art projects, music and lots more. Check back soon for more info! 

Applications for stalls are now open, please email MAYDAY to and we'll get back to you with more info.

The CLOSING DATE for applications will be Friday 27th April 
Please be quick if you want a place! That's just over a week away! 

Dont forget to scroll down for information about our other events coming soon!


Saturday, 14 April 2012

Jinder and Henry Priestman at Hotel Deux TONIGHT!

Looking for something to do tonight? We've got a treat for you! The lovely guys at The Guitar Bar have offered a discount to our readers on tickets for tonights gig @ Hotel Deux. Tickets should be £10 a hit but if you quote MollyQueen on the door, you'll get yours for £8.

Two fabulous artists for the price of one, we've got Henry Priestmen and Jinder, a firm MollyQueen favourite. Take a look at these links for a sneaky peek and we'll see you there!

Doors open at 8
The Guitar Bar
@ Hotel Deux
Sherwood Rise (behind Clarendon College)

Dont forget to quote MollyQueen for your £2 discount!!

Friday, 13 April 2012

The Night Market presents.... [Word]

A celebration of language and communication through art, music, poetry and food. Taking place at The Golden Fleece on Tuesday the 1st May. MollyQueen are launching the first of their new regular themed event with a fabulous range of local artistic talent, stall-holders and performance poets. There'll be musical performances from Emily Rachel Martin and Timothy J Simpson with the opportunity to discuss the lyrics and compositions of their work with the artists themselves afterwards. Our Poetic performances will come from Panya Banjoko, and the Mullet Proof Poet (TBC) with a fabulous range of local arts and crafts from Katie Stainer - Contemporary Papercrafts, Miss Berry, Adam Willis, MollyQueen, Paper Faces and lots more. 

Expect a heavily word themed night with plenty of alliteration, obscenity and conversation.

The evening will also see the launch of the new MollyQueen Book Club which aims to create a global literary conversation by forming links with a twinned club in Zambia.

For more info on this event, check back soon for links, winks and sneaky peeky pictures.

[Word] @ The Golden Fleece
Tuesday 1st May
6pm +

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Thought Box - [An Open Discussion]

At The Night Market and the most recent Marvellous Market, the Thought box sat neatly atop a table, deftly displaying its controversial and somewhat unforgiving quote. The topic,  feminism. The question... "What is Feminism to you?" The thought provoking quote provided by none other than the wonderful and incredibly not-at-all sexist, Pat Robertson. Please enjoy the quote, followed by the public response and finally, a sum-up of the most important points (in my mind). Don't forget to leave your comments. The Thought Box provides an [Open Discussion] that will change and evolve over time, as thoughts generally do. 

"[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." 
- Pat Robertson


What is feminism to you? 

A brilliant reason to have a rant. Nothing fancy and doesn't need to be scary, its just common sense. Feminism invites people to be who they are, as people, not biology. Feminism has allowed me to divorce my ex-husband and not be tied to him financially. It's given me my independence. Why wouldn't you say you were a feminist? Feminism is so logical.
Never keep quiet against inequality, don't pretend it doesn't matter because it isn't affecting you. My mum is the world's biggest feminist, it really pisses me off! Women kick ass! Feminism is a perennial cyclical issue. Feminism smells better. I am a closet feminist...the best kind. The men don't know what i'm up to. 

Feminism is a great idea until it is pushed too far. I like being Miss! Feminism is hindered by hormones. Feminism in the 19th century cant be bad. Always follow your dreams. Women are the answer, whatever the question. I like baking, sewing, washing up and dresses. I don't need to wear trousers to feel empowered, i'm content in my own skin. Peaceful women lead the world to equality. should do anyway. Kate Bush, check out all her lyrics. I do have balls, but they were so big they had to go on my chest.

Pat Robertson is a misogynistic, xenophobic, arrogant twat who has a cancerous and warped view of reality. He's so far out of touch that nothing he says even warrants a discussion. Only the view of a dinosaur.

Does feminism even exist anymore, outside of the corporate world? Feminism is divided by class and geographical location. Women are the same worth as the men are. It's not fair when women get treated differently to men. I am a feminist when it suits me. We are all equals...i'm not.

from the Public Voice

The Thought Box has done us proud. Among the general gist of points put to us by the general public, are some really hard hitting truths and comments that surely warrant discussion. I have been through and selected some statements and aim to continue the above discussion, which means we need your input. Where do you agree? Disagree? Are there any points mentioned above that get your knickers in a twist? Or are you simply wearing boxers and wondering where you belong in this discussion?

Please.... get involved.

1) Financial Independence/Freedom - Its true, women have been 'oppressed' into being the home-makers in the past. Blatantly due to the fact that women actually carry the children and generally cant bear to be away from them for long, which makes sense but when did the choice element come into play? When were women 'allowed' to go out and go to college, have aspirations and careers as the men had been allowed? That to me is a very important part of feminism, choice. The choice to vote, work, have children, place our children in childcare or divorce our husbands. Do we consider this done now? surely now the focus is on increasing financial independence and freedom to everyone, whatever gender, and allowing the same rights for everyone regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation or hair colour.

2) Does feminism even exist anymore, outside the corporate world? - Well does it? Do women ever encounter situations where they are treated differently because of their sex? do men ever find themselves treated differently because of their sex? Are we generally quite prejudice as a species? Do differences threaten us? Are women more likely to suffer negative   or ill-treatment due to being female than men are due to being male? Talk about answering a question with a question but hopefully I've made my point clearly enough.

3) Feminism is divided by geographical location and social class - I like this because I feel it is very true. Not everyone has a huge understanding of feminism or where it has been in the past, or really care that much! People generally think of bra-burning man haters which is so far out of date and ridiculous that i'm going to scoff at it. *scoff*. But anyway, back to the point, feminism effects people in different situations differently. It also provides people with a choice. The only woman working in a workplace full of men may decide to forgo feminism for the time-being because it's easier to just suck it up and accept that men can be arses and get on with her job, whereas she may choose to paddle upstream against an avalanche of ignorance and fight a probably losing battle. Point being, not everyone feels the same. geographical location, social class, emotions, opinions, experiences and gender all have influences on feminism as a whole. Which all ready in un-definable and interchangeable in my eyes. Go figure.

4) "Women are the same worth as the men are" - One of the most poignant opinions in my eyes, written by a young child. This does seem a logical statement, especially coming from a youthful perspective, but in actuality the problems women face daily in relationships,work-life and in general are so deep-rooted in our society that simply diluting it down generation by generation is unlikely to do anything. 

I am a true feminist, I feel that feminism should encompass ALL inequality, be it through sex, weight, skin colour, sexual orientation or age. Somewhere along the long and winding road of feminism we have lost sight of these differences and created not a fight for equality or fairness, but an act of one-up-man-ship. Or should I say one-up-person-ship.

There comes a point when we are going to have to face up to the fact that EVERYONE is different and that these differences should be celebrated, not argued over. Hormonal imbalances, emotional instability monthly (or more), being able to handle alcohol or not, whether or not we have leg hair, spider-phobias, high or low sex drives, the ability to lose sight of yourself in a  relationship, larger body mass index, spacial awareness, interest in football, multi-tasking, being a better dancer, or whether you've shaved your armpits or not. Who cares? It all boils down to basic respect for each others differences and there are millions of those!

Remember.... comments welcome.


Thursday, 5 April 2012

Societally imposed self constraint; appraising my wardrobe

By Mwanabibi Sikamo aka Uprooting the Pumpkin.

An absolute must read. 

Coming soon..... The Thought Box and the public voice on feminism and what it is today. If you missed out on the question but have thoughts on the subject and would like to be included, please email us on and we'll make sure your thoughts are heard! 


Call for stalls - The Night Market Presents [Word]

We've sorted the poetic performances, the musicians, the cakes, the atmosphere AND all else, but we still need a few more stalls! Is your work relevant to the theme? A celebration of Language and words, in context of poetry, song, communication and more.

The deadline for Applications is fast approaching. To register your interest, email WORD to with a few words about why your work is relevant to the theme. 

Keep any eye here for updates about everything else happening on the night and for sneak previews of our artists and musicians! (scroll back for a few!)

Artists confirmed so far:

Panya Banjoko - Performance Poet
Emily Martin - Singer Songwriter
More TBC

Katie Stainer Contemporary Papercrafts
MollyQueen Decoupage
Paper Faces
Miss Berry's Cupcakes
More TBC

Introduction of the
"MollyQueen Book Club"
(Keep an eye out for more info on that chapter)

Get your emails in quick! We are very excited about our first themed Night Market and its not far away!

The Night Market presents[Word] 
A celebration of language and words through poetry, art and song.

Tuesday 1st May
@ The Golden Fleece

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Emily Martin @ The Night Market Tuesday 1st May [Word]

We are pleased to announce that Emily Martin will be attending 
The Night Market [Word] 

Emily will be performing some of her songs, as a lyrical and musical artist, Emily will provide copies of her lyrics alongside her performance so that we can not only enjoy the musical brilliance and delights of her voice but look at the structure of her songs, the choice of words and how she put it all together. 

Emily will be around afterwards to discuss all things lyrical, musical and poetic too. If you are unfamiliar with the very talented Emily, check out these links. She's a multi-tasking musician with 3 major projects on the go, including We are Avengers who recently had their EP launch at The Contemporary. She's also part of a band aptly named Emily and the Martens AND has her solo work too. 
We think genius is the [Word].

The Night Market Presents..... [Word]
A celebration of language, words, song, poetry and art.

Tuesday 1st May @ The Golden Fleece
6pm +